What We Do

Projects include:
Orphan Sponsorship
School Textbooks
Farming Aid
Fishing Aid
Banana farming
Solar Power
Bicycle Project
Church Bench Project

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011
Brian. Alfred, and Craig left today to go to Choma and drop Lindi & Lulu off at boarding school. Then the were going to take Craig to the orphanage under construction. The rest of us went to Simweendengwe. The ladies gave out hygiene packets and treated wounds for the children at the school. There were approx 300 children. John and some of the rest of us went to work cattle. We only brought dewormer for 300 cattle and there were 800-900 there. Since there was no way to choose which 300 would be treated, the Agricultural Dept. official decided we should not treat any. But we also learned that the cattle need to be dipped to treat for tick borne diseases. We gathered after dinner to talk about what we have experienced on the trip thus far.

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