What We Do

Projects include:
Orphan Sponsorship
School Textbooks
Farming Aid
Fishing Aid
Banana farming
Solar Power
Bicycle Project
Church Bench Project

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Dana and Darcy taught at Muumbe's school. Most of the team went to Kanyama church to build pews. Beth and Brianna went with Muumbe and visited Patrick's farm. Then they went to meet the orphan Brianna sponsors. Then everyone went to visit an orphanage and passed out activity packets and treats and gave 3 soccer balls away. We also delivered a lot of bibles, clothes and other supplies to the church. We all enjoyed dinner together at Alfred and Muumbe's home. Lumba and John roasted corn for us to try. All but 4 of the team head home tomorrow.

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