What We Do

Projects include:
Orphan Sponsorship
School Textbooks
Farming Aid
Fishing Aid
Banana farming
Solar Power
Bicycle Project
Church Bench Project

Monday, February 1, 2016


Saturday the 30th, the team remaining worked at Sinanjola school to wire the buildings for electricity from the grid that was provided by the government late last year. We went to the church there near Sinanjola school and continued working on the school that afternoon. Heavy rains have fallen every day that we have been in the area making driving the roads difficult. We finished the school yesterday and celebrated with a fish dinner cooked by the women of Sinanjola it was a great time there but now we have moved on the the Pemba area where we will be working on and installing Solar power for some of the schools. Oh yeah, it rained this morning. As they say, " rain is a good thing".

Friday, January 29, 2016


Friday we left Zimba for the return trip to Lusaka. We stopped in Choma to drop Dave off as he will be staying 2 more weeks installing solar power at the schools. We attempted to meet with the district education board secretary, who was delayed in a meeting. We waited for about 20 minutes but were pressed for time, so we continued on to Lusaka. We ate on the road to be able to make our 4:00 pm meeting. Our meeting was with the Zambian Minister of Defense, the Honorable Richwell Siamunene, MP. He wanted to express his appreciation for all the work that was done at his home school of Sinanjola. We were all very honored to meet a Zambian Government official at this high level. He was a very humble Christian man who was very thankful for the help given to the school he had attended as a boy.

We left there (with pictures to prove we were there!) and ate dinner in town. After dinner we went back to Alfred's to talk about the trip and pack for the return trip to the US.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Thursday we headed to Livingston. On the way we stopped to see Leonard and his farm. Everything looked great there! His corn was the best we saw the entire trip! We continued on to Livingstone and ate lunch with several administration officials from David Livingstone College of Education. After
lunch we went to the college for the dedication of the tractor. The junior agricultural students as well as the head of the college were all there to accept it. They put on a program for us that also included some native dancing from the college students.

We talked with Carol, Eve and Songstar at the college and left some gifts with them. We went to Hamchili's next. Brian gave him one of the Interpreter's Dictionaries and he was very excited. He said his church and business is doing well.

We drove back to Zimba for dinner and to stay the night. There is a young girl staying at the mission house and working in the new lab at the hospital. She is really enjoying it and considering staying long term.


Brian preaching.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Wednesday morning on the way to visit schools, we stopped in Sinazeze for
Dave to deliver a letter to Hansom (Boycken's brother). Our first school
stop was Sinanjola. This is one of the schools where the roof had been
replaced. Dave has also sent many books and materials and will be wiring
the buildings next week. They were using the materials sent and around 500
people came out to welcome us. There were school officials, church
officials, and government officials all present. The choir sang and a pupil
gave a thank you speech. After the program, they had a tree planting
ceremony to commemorate the day. They dedicated a tree to each of us from
the states. They then fed us lunch.

The next school was named Saynuka. They gave a similar program without the
government official. They also had several kids native dancing in their
program. The Saynuka PTA had built a new classroom completely with their
own money and had the footings dug for another 3 classrooms. They were also
using all of the materials and books sent over. There were approximately
800 people here to welcome us.

The next stop was at Malima school. They had another large program planned
for us The PTA here had built 2 new classrooms but were waiting on roofing
and windows for completion. They were using everything sent including the
science equipment.

The last school we visited was Manyati. They are one of the newest schools
on the list to receive goods from the container. They are still working on
utilizing everything, but had a nice preschool room set up with toys and
learning things from the containers. By the time they had finished with
their program, it was dark.

We made the 2 hour drive back to Choma. We arrived just before closing time
at the local pizza place. Everyone is ready for some rest and will be
refreshed tomorrow.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Later Tuesday, we went to the farm. We first went to see Darren and Diane. They have finished putting the thatched roof on their home. It really looks nice and was cool inside with the tall roof and thatch "insulation". We then went to see Panest and Monice and the kids. They loved all the gifts even the unexpected gift of 2 turkeys from Brian. He is hoping they are able to raise many more turkeys by next year. The corn looked ok for now, but really needs moisture. We came back to Choma and our prayers were answered. Stanley and his wife invited us over for dinner! It was just as good as last year! We came back to the guest house to get some rest for tomorrow.


Tuesday we went to Siachitema Pilgrim Wesleyan Mission. The government has built a new secondary school here. The new school is filled with desks and books from the containers. To show their gratitude for all the things sent from the US, the community put on a dedication type of program. The entire community came out including all the school children, many pastors, teacher, parents and his Royal Highness Chief of the Chiefdom of Siachitema. The school choir sang the national anthem, the church praise team sang also. There were speeches by many people including pastors, PTA president, and His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness even invited us to his palace on a future trip! They provided us a delicious lunch that of course included nshima. We also met a young American girl named Erin Cromer. She is a peace corps volunteer on a 3 year commitment with the community of Siachitema. She said compared other volunteers, she has it
easy with no electricity, no running water etc. She is only 1 hour from town, others are 12 hours or more from town!

Monday, January 25, 2016


We arrived in Choma this evening at 7:20. Only 20 minutes late. Amazing considering "Zambia time" and we had a flat tire! We ate dinner by flashlight, and are getting ready for the day tomorrow.


On the way to Southern Provence, we stopped to see 2 is the sponsored students. Joseph, who is just starting at the University. He wants to study engineering. We also ate lunch with another sponsored student, Chabota. She is in her 4th year of college, and has already been accepted to law school.


Monday Morning
Brian, Alfred and I went around Lusaka to visit with various people. Dave
and Lumba went shopping for electrical supplies. We met back up at Alfred's
at noon. We loaded up and headed for the Southern Province.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016


We came back to Alfred's for lunch. Cathrine brought over some sampe for desert. Sampe is hominy mixed with ground peanuts and eaten with sugar and milk. We then went to visit Patrick at his home. He was growing vegetables, maize, chickens and goats. We then went to a community where Kanyma is considering building a church named Mpanga. They were operating a primary school as a community, without government assistance.

We came back to Alfred's for dinner. I don't know how Tameo cooked our dinner with the electricity, but it was delicious. The electricity is being rationed since lake Kariba is very low. Most every day, the electricity is shut off from around noon to 10 pm.


Sunday Morning
This morning we went to Kanyama Central to church. It was great to see several old friends from previous trips. As always, the choir was fabulous, and inspiring. Brian gave the sermon titled "Having the Heart of Jesus in Giving". We saw lots of the children in the OVC program.

After church we went to Jubilee church to greet them. Pastor Steven is doing wonderful job and they have grown tremendously. God is truly blessing them!


We arrived yesterday afternoon, everyone a little tired but well. We ate a nice dinner with several coworkers of Alfred's. It was wonderful to be able to visit with these acquaintances and learn more of the happenings in Zambia.