What We Do

Projects include:
Orphan Sponsorship
School Textbooks
Farming Aid
Fishing Aid
Banana farming
Solar Power
Bicycle Project
Church Bench Project

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Thursday we headed to Livingston. On the way we stopped to see Leonard and his farm. Everything looked great there! His corn was the best we saw the entire trip! We continued on to Livingstone and ate lunch with several administration officials from David Livingstone College of Education. After
lunch we went to the college for the dedication of the tractor. The junior agricultural students as well as the head of the college were all there to accept it. They put on a program for us that also included some native dancing from the college students.

We talked with Carol, Eve and Songstar at the college and left some gifts with them. We went to Hamchili's next. Brian gave him one of the Interpreter's Dictionaries and he was very excited. He said his church and business is doing well.

We drove back to Zimba for dinner and to stay the night. There is a young girl staying at the mission house and working in the new lab at the hospital. She is really enjoying it and considering staying long term.

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