What We Do

Projects include:
Orphan Sponsorship
School Textbooks
Farming Aid
Fishing Aid
Banana farming
Solar Power
Bicycle Project
Church Bench Project

Monday, March 26, 2007

3/26/07 Update

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yesterday, we were all in worship for the morning. Brian and Alfred and the children went to Kanyama Pilgrim Wesleyan church. Brian taught Sunday school thru and interpreter and Pastor Kalembo gave the message. The music was brought by several different groups and was very inspiring. The building was filled to capacity with people worshiping.

Josh went to, Kalingalinga Pilgrim Wesleyan church. This church is a plant without a permanent building, meeting in a classroom. Josh brought the message thru an interpreter. The music was performed by several special groups with the highlight being the children’s choir. This service was also filled to capacity, with some standing. They are hoping to purchase a vacant building.

Cory went to John Howard Pilgrim Wesleyan church. This was a little larger than the other 2 churches. Cory brought greetings to the congregation. The music was brought by a praise team and one other ladies’ group. This church was also filled to capacity with the children sitting on the floor.

The afternoon activities consisted of the dedication of the ILISA office. The dedication service was very moving.

We are headed out to meet with Troy and Bret today so will update on Wed when we get back.

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